Michael John Lofton’s [my] Blog
Journey musings, thoughts, and feelings…
… keeping track of a few of my life experiences and projects.
Take a look if you wish.
SEO Marketing Strategist… Discovering your traffic and conversion blocks!
dba: CustomerCounts.com
Flying Rocks Book
On the side, keeping track of my life experiences/projects, including writing a book on flying rock stars in private aircraft, called: ‘Flying Rocks’
– Click above image to go to book information –
Drummer – Every other week (on average), playing drums in a Grateful Dead cover band, and as a drummer host for open mics.
Golf – Averaging a 12 handicap. (on a good year… LOL)
Home MacGyver expert. (hehe)
Along with the Tabs on this page, you can also find existing Websites, Facebook, and Linked-In pages, (other gigs) here…
My Facebook site
My Linked-In siteCustomer Counts .com is my digital marketing consultant service for the expansion of your business.
Organic Wine Clubs Organization is my site providing you with insightful organic wine related topics.
Picasso Art For Sale .com provides some available and collectable Pablo Picasso Art pieces.
Jazz Now and Then .com is a work in progress regarding Jazz music.The Flying Rocks book I’m currently creating and editing on the fly (pun intended) about having flown rock stars for twenty years in private aircraft.
Tab menus above (or in footer) for other current ventures.
I’d love to hear what you’re up to these days…
Go Facebook to DM me:
My Facebook site
Or, email:
Be Well and Enjoy Your Moments Along Your Path!